“I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord” (Psalm 122:1)


Thank you for visiting the website of North Road Chapel.

If you are local to North Devon, or visiting the area, we warmly invite you to join us.  Details of our regular meetings are available on the Services page, and for directions to the Chapel please see the Location page.

Our Church is:

We are not associated with any denomination, sect or other Christian organisation.
We are self-governing, and take the Bible for our rule of faith and practice.
We preach the Gospel freely unto all, desiring that others might believe and be saved.
We practise baptism by immersion for adults, upon their profession of faith.

For further detail regarding our beliefs, please see our Affirmation of Faith.

The regular ministry series are recorded, and may be heard on the sermon page.

The Church’s minister is Mr R. J. Steward. The Church Secretary is Mr D. C. Wort. To contact us, please use the form provided here.